Using and Porting GNU CC - C++ Extensions

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Extensions to the C++ Language

The GNU compiler provides these extensions to the C++ language (and you can also use most of the C language extensions in your C++ programs). If you want to write code that checks whether these features are available, you can test for the GNU compiler the same way as for C programs: check for a predefined macro __GNUC__ . You can also use __GNUG__ to test specifically for GNU C++ (see Standard Predefined Macros).

Naming Results Giving a name to C++ function return values.
Min and Max C++ Minimum and maximum operators.
Destructors and Goto Goto is safe to use in C++ even when destructors
are needed.
C++ Interface You can use a single C++ header file for both
declarations and definitions.
Template Instantiation Methods for ensuring that exactly one copy of
each needed template instantiation is emitted.
C++ Signatures You can specify abstract types to get subtype
polymorphism independent from inheritance.

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