C++ templates are the first language feature to require more intelligence from the environment than one usually finds on a UNIX system. Somehow the compiler and linker have to make sure that each template instance occurs exactly once in the executable if it is needed, and not at all otherwise. There are two basic approaches to this problem, which I will refer to as the Borland model and the Cfront model.
Currently, g++ implements neither automatic model. The g++ team hopes to have a repository working for 2.7.0. In the mean time, you have three options for dealing with template instantiations:
Do nothing. Pretend g++ does implement automatic instantiation management. Code written for the Borland model will work fine, but each translation unit will contain instances of each of the templates it uses. In a large program, this can lead to an unacceptable amount of code duplication.
Add `#pragma interface' to all files containing template definitions. For each of these files, add `#pragma implementation "filename"' to the top of some `.C' file which `#include's it. Then compile everything with -fexternal-templates. The templates will then only be expanded in the translation unit which implements them (i.e. has a `#pragma implementation' line for the file where they live); all other files will use external references. If you're lucky, everything should work properly. If you get undefined symbol errors, you need to make sure that each template instance which is used in the program is used in the file which implements that template. If you don't have any use for a particular instance in that file, you can just instantiate it explicitly, using the syntax from the latest C++ working paper:
template class A<int>; template ostream& operator << (ostream&, const A<int>&);
This strategy will work with code written for either model. If you are using code written for the Cfront model, the file containing a class template and the file containing its member templates should be implemented in the same translation unit.
A slight variation on this approach is to use the flag -falt-external-templates instead; this flag causes template instances to be emitted in the translation unit that implements the header where they are first instantiated, rather than the one which implements the file where the templates are defined. This header must be the same in all translation units, or things are likely to break.
See Declarations and Definitions in One Header, for more discussion of these pragmas.
Explicitly instantiate all the template instances you use, and compile with -fno-implicit-templates. This is probably your best bet; it may require more knowledge of exactly which templates you are using, but it's less mysterious than the previous approach, and it doesn't require any `#pragma's or other g++-specific code. You can scatter the instantiations throughout your program, you can create one big file to do all the instantiations, or you can create tiny files like
#include "Foo.h" #include "Foo.cc" template class Foo<int>;
for each instance you need, and create a template instantiation library from those. I'm partial to the last, but your mileage may vary. If you are using Cfront-model code, you can probably get away with not using -fno-implicit-templates when compiling files that don't `#include' the member template definitions.