This manual documents how to run, install and port the GNU compiler, as well as its new features and incompatibilities, and how to report bugs. It corresponds to GNU CC version 2.7.
Copying | GNU General Public License says how you can copy and share GNU CC. |
Contributors | People who have contributed to GNU CC. |
Funding | How to help assure funding for free software. |
Look and Feel | Protect your freedom---fight ``look and feel''. |
G++ and GCC | You can compile C or C++ programs. |
Invoking GCC | Command options supported by `gcc'. |
Installation | How to configure, compile and install GNU CC. |
C Extensions | GNU extensions to the C language family. |
C++ Extensions | GNU extensions to the C++ language. |
Trouble | If you have trouble installing GNU CC. |
Bugs | How, why and where to report bugs. |
Service | How to find suppliers of support for GNU CC. |
VMS | Using GNU CC on VMS. |
Portability | Goals of GNU CC's portability features. |
Interface | Function-call interface of GNU CC output. |
Passes | Order of passes, what they do, and what each file is for. |
RTL | The intermediate representation that most passes work on. |
Machine Desc | How to write machine description instruction patterns. |
Target Macros | How to write the machine description C macros. |
Config | Writing the `xm-machine.h' file. |
Index | Index of concepts and symbol names. |