The bulk of this note discusses the cumulative effects of the gnu C++ Renovation Project to date. The work during its most recent phase (1.3) had these major effects:
is now the faster compiledversion, rather than a shell script.
restricted to nine levels.
(`operator ='), copy constructors (`X::X(X&)'), and default constructors (`X::X()') whenever they are required.
is supported.
the arm (at some cost in compatibility to earlier versions of gnu C++).
wrapped in `extern "C" { }'.
template instantiation semantics.
Much of the work in Phase 1.3 went to elimination of known bugs, as well as the major items above.
During the span of Phase 1.3, there were also two changes associated with the compiler that, while not specifically part of the C++ Renovation project, may be of interest:
, a code coverage tool for gnu cc, is now available
from Cygnus Support. (gcov
is free software, but the fsf has not yet accepted it.) See gcov
: a Test Coverage Program, for more information (in Cygnus releases of that manual).
provide more flexibility in abstract type definitions. See Type Abstraction using Signatures.