Where to obtain GNU Pascal
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Where to obtain GNU Pascal
The master ftp site for GNU Pascal is kampi.hut.fi.
The source of the compiler, binary distributions for certain platforms
and other GNU Pascal related files can be found in
This site is mirrored on
The latest developer releases can be downloaded from
What else to download and where
On most UNIX systems, you will install GNU Pascal by compiling it.
Since GNU Pascal shares its back-end with GNU C, you will need the
GNU C source, too. Please download gcc- (no
other version!) from a GNU ftp mirror. (See
the list on the GNU home page
for the site closest to you.)
When you are using GNU Pascal on a DOS system, you will
need either the DJGPP or the EMX development environment. On an OS/2
system, you will need EMX (see below).
DJGPP is available from any SimTel mirror in the vendors/djgpp
subdirectoy. (Look into the DJGPP FAQ (311
kB characters) for ftp addresses.) For using GNU Pascal you
need at least
- the C library, v2/djdev201.zip, and
- binutils (assembler, etc.), v2gnu/bnu270b.zip.
We also recommend you to get
- the make utility, v2gnu/mak375b.zip,
- the GNU debugger, v2gnu/gdb416b.zip,
- the DJGPP FAQ,
- the grx20 and bcc2grx graphics libraries
bgi2grx is based on, v2tk/grx20.zip and
v2tk/bcc2grx.zip, and
- the RHIDE, v2app/rhide.zip, a
Borland-style integrated development environment.
EMX is an environment for creating 32-bit applications for DOS and OS/2.
It is available via anonymous ftp from
To develop EMX programs with GNU Pascal you need at least
- the EMX runtime package, emxrt.zip,
- the EMX development system, emxdev*.zip, and
- the GNU development tools, gnudev*.zip.
If your DOS box has DPMI (it has when you are using Windows or OS/2) you
will also need RSX, available from the same sites as EMX in the archive
contrib/dpmigcc5.zip or contrib/rsx503.zip.
The GNU development tools contain the GNU C compiler which is in fact
not needed to use GNU Pascal. However the C library is needed.
Copyright (C) Markus & Peter Gerwinski, 17 November 1996
Verbatim copying and distribution is permitted
in any medium, provided this notice is preserved.