The following identifiers are built in into GNU Pascal but may be redefined according to any supported Pascal standard.
Maxint False True Input Output Rewrite Reset Put Get Write Read Writeln Readln Page New Dispose Abs Sqr Sin Cos Exp Ln Sqrt Arctan Trunc Round Pack Unpack Ord Chr Succ Pred Odd Eof Eoln
Asmname Specify case-sensitive external name for Function C External name for Function shall be lowercase C_language same as C Forward External External Name of Function Has First Letter Uppercase Extern same as External
Extended Pascal required module interfaces
Standardoutput Standardinput
Object Pascal directive (not implemented)
Extended Pascal required words
Maxchar Maxreal Minreal Epsreal
Extended Pascal required Procedures and Functions
Gettimestamp Date Time Halt Extend Seekwrite Seekread Seekupdate Empty Update Position Lastposition Re Im Cmplx Card Arg
Extended Pascal external binding
Bind Unbind Binding
Extended Pascal complex type functions
Extended Pascal String functions
Readstr Read from a string rather than a file Writestr Write to a string rather than a file Length Index Search in a string Substr also `MyStr [ 1..5 ]' Trim Eq lexical string comparision Lt Gt Ne Le Ge
Extended pascal required string schema type generator
Object pascal (not implemented)
Copy Null Root Textwritable Self
Borland Pascal
GetMem Allocate memory with given size in bytes FreeMem Free memory allocated with GetMem Inc Increment Dec Decrement
More exotic fruits and birds (GPC extensions)
Static C-sense storage class specifications __const__ __external__ __inline__ __static__ __volatile__ __byte__ C-style type size modifiers __short__ __long__ __longlong__ __unsigned__ Asm Inline assembly (GNU style) Alignof Break C-style Continue Return Sizeof Max for enumeral and real types Min Conjugate Mark Release Default like `otherwise' in a `case' statement Others Close Definesize
Standard Pascal data types
Integer Real Boolean Char Text
Extended Pascal complex type
GPC extensions: void type (two spellings)
__void__ Void
GPC extension: C compatibility string type
Extended Pascal: TimeStamp and BindingType
Timestamp Bindingtype