This chapter lists all keywords and operators understood by GNU Pascal.
By default, keywords can be redefined to make it possible
that every correct ISO 7185 program can be compiled.
However, you can use the compiler switches --pascal-standard
, --pascal-object
, --pascal-borland
and --pascal-sc
to tell GPC that keywords of a given
standard must not to be redefined.
The keywords are taken from the following standards:
Keyword Pascal standard Remarks -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Absolute Borland overload variables Abstract Object not implemented All GNU EP "export foo = all" extension And ISO Standard And_then ISO Extended short-circuit Boolean AND operator Array ISO Standard Asm Borland, GNU GNU-style assembler Begin ISO Standard Bindable ISO Extended external binding of files, etc. Case ISO Standard Class Object not implemented Const ISO Standard Constructor Object, Borland only BP version implemented Destructor Object, Borland only BP version implemented Div ISO Standard Do ISO Standard Downto ISO Standard Else ISO Standard End ISO Standard Export ISO Extended Module Interface export File ISO Standard For ISO Standard Function ISO Standard Goto ISO Standard If ISO Standard Import ISO Extended Module Interface import Implementation ISO Extended, Borland Module (EP) or Unit (BP) Impl. part Inherited Object, Borland only BP version implemented In ISO Standard Inline Borland, GNU only GNU inline functions implem. Interface ISO Extended, Borland Module (EP) or Unit (BP) Int. part Is Object not implemented Label ISO Standard Mod ISO Standard Module ISO Extended, PXSC PXSC version only partially implem. Nil ISO Standard Not ISO Standard Object Borland BP 7.0 style class definition Of ISO Standard Only ISO Extended import specification Operator PXSC operator definition Or ISO Standard Or_else ISO Extended short-circuit Boolean OR operator Otherwise ISO Extended default case label Packed ISO Standard does not yet pack Pow ISO Extended exponentiation op. (integer expon.) Procedure ISO Standard Program ISO Standard Property Object not implemented Protected ISO Extended read-only formal parameters Qualified ISO Extended import specification Record ISO Standard Repeat ISO Standard Restricted ISO Extended type specification Set ISO Standard Shl Borland left bit-shift operator Shr Borland right bit-shift operator Then ISO Standard To ISO Standard Type ISO Standard Unit Borland Borland (or UCSD) style Modules Until ISO Standard Uses Borland Borland (or UCSD) style import Value ISO Extended variable initializer Var ISO Standard View Object not implemented Virtual Borland, Object only Borland version implemented While ISO Standard With ISO Standard Xor Borland Boolean/bitwise exclusive OR op.
GNU Pascal operators, ordered by precedence.
The PXSC operators `+<', `-<', etc. are not implemented into GNU Pascal but may be defined by the user. If you do so and meet the PXSC requirements, please let us know. The other real operators do not meet PXSC requirements.
The Object Pascal operator `IS' is not implemented.
:= < = > IN <> >= <= + - OR +< -< +> -> * / DIV MOD AND SHL SHR XOR *< /< *> /> POW ** IS NOT