User's Guide to the GNU C++ Class Library - LinkList

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Linked Lists

SLLists provide pseudo-generic singly linked lists. DLLists provide doubly linked lists. The lists are designed for the simple maintenance of elements in a linked structure, and do not provide the more extensive operations (or node-sharing) of class List . They behave similarly to the slist and similar classes described by Stroustrup.

All list nodes are created dynamically. Assignment is performed via copying.

Class DLList supports all SLList operations, plus additional operations described below.

For purposes of illustration, assume the specification of class intSLList . In addition to the operations listed here, SLLists support traversal via Pixes. See Pix

intSLList a;
Declares a to be an empty list.

intSLList b = a;
Sets b to an element-by-element copy of a.

returns true if a contains no elements

returns the number of elements in a.

places x at the front of the list.

places x at the end of the list.

places all nodes from b to the end of a, simultaneously destroying b.

x = a.front()
returns a reference to the item stored at the head of the list, or triggers an error if the list is empty.

returns a reference to the rear of the list, or triggers an error if the list is empty.

x = a.remove_front()
deletes and returns the item stored at the head of the list.

deletes the first element, without returning it.

deletes all items from the list.

a.ins_after(Pix i, item);
inserts item after position i. If i is null, insertion is at the front.

a.del_after(Pix i);
deletes the element following i. If i is 0, the first item is deleted.

Doubly linked lists

Class DLList supports the following additional operations, as well as backward traversal via Pixes.

x = a.remove_rear();
deletes and returns the item stored at the rear of the list.

deletes the last element, without returning it.

a.ins_before(Pix i, x)
inserts x before the i.

a.del(Pix& iint dir = 1)
deletes the item at the current position, then advances forward if dir is positive, else backward.

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