The Integer
class provides multiple precision integer arithmetic facilities. Some representation details are discussed in the Representation section.
may be up to b * ((1 << b) - 1)
bits long, where b
is the number of bits per short (typically 1048560 bits when b = 16
). The implementation assumes that a long
is at least twice as long as a short
. This assumption hides beneath almost all primitive operations, and would be very difficult to change. It also relies on correct behavior of unsigned arithmetic operations.
Some of the arithmetic algorithms are very loosely based on those provided in the MIT Scheme `bignum.c' release, which is Copyright (c) 1987 Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Their use here falls within the provisions described in the Scheme release.
Integers may be constructed in the following ways:
Integer x;
Integer x = 2; Integer y(2);
Integer u(x); Integer v = x;
back into longs via the long
coercion operator. If the Integer cannot fit into a long, this returns MINLONG or MAXLONG (depending on the sign) where MINLONG is the most negative, and MAXLONG is the most positive representable long.
to a double
, with potential loss of precision. +/-HUGE
is returned if the Integer cannot fit into a double.
can fit into a double.
All of the usual arithmetic operators are provided (+, -, *, /, %, +=, ++, -=, --, *=, /=, %=, ==, !=, <, <=, >, >=
). All operators support special versions for mixed arguments of Integers and regular C++ longs in order to avoid useless coercions, as well as to allow automatic promotion of shorts and ints to longs, so that they may be applied without additional Integer coercion operators. The only operators that behave differently than the corresponding int or long operators are ++
and --
. Because C++ does not distinguish prefix from postfix application, these are declared as void
operators, so that no confusion can result from applying them as postfix. Thus, for Integers x and y, ++x; y = x;
is correct, but y = ++x;
and y = x++;
are not.
Bitwise operators (~
, &
, |
, ^
, <<
, >>
, &=
, |=
, ^=
, <<=
, >>=
) are also provided. However, these operate on sign-magnitude, rather than two's complement representations. The sign of the result is arbitrarily taken as the sign of the first argument. For example, Integer(-3) & Integer(5)
returns Integer(-1)
, not -3, as it would using two's complement. Also, ~
, the complement operator, complements only those bits needed for the representation. Bit operators are also provided in the BitSet and BitString classes. One of these classes should be used instead of Integers when the results of bit manipulations are not interpreted numerically.
The following utility functions are also provided. (All arguments are Integers unless otherwise noted).
in place.
Integer sqr(x)
Integer sqrt(x)
long lg(x);
int sign(x)
if (sign(x) == 0)
is a generally faster method of testing for zero than using relational operators.
int even(x)
int odd(x)
void setbit(Integer& x, long b)
void clearbit(Integer& x, long b)
int testbit(Integer x, long b)
Integer atoI(char* asciinumber, int base = 10);
void Integer::printon(ostream& s, int base = 10, int width = 0);
as a base base
number, in field width at least width
ostream << x;
istream >> x;
int compare(Integer x, Integer y)
int ucompare(Integer x, Integer y)
add(x, y, z)
sub(x, y, z)
mul(x, y, z)
div(x, y, z)
mod(x, y, z)
and(x, y, z)
or(x, y, z)
xor(x, y, z)
lshift(x, y, z)
rshift(x, y, z)
pow(x, y, z)
complement(x, z)
negate(x, z)