User's Guide to the GNU C++ Class Library - Complex

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The Complex class.

Class Complex is implemented in a way similar to that described by Stroustrup. In keeping with libg++ conventions, the class is named Complex , not complex . Complex arithmetic and relational operators are provided (+, -, *, /, +=, -=, *=, /=, ==, != ). Attempted division by (0, 0) triggers an exception.

Complex numbers may be constructed and used in the following ways:

Complex x;
Declares an uninitialized Complex.

Complex x = 2; Complex y(2.0);
Set x and y to the Complex value (2.0, 0.0);

Complex x(2, 3);
Sets x to the Complex value (2, 3);

Complex u(x); Complex v = x;
Set u and v to the same value as x.

double real(Complex& x);
returns the real part of x.

double imag(Complex& x);
returns the imaginary part of x.

double abs(Complex& x);
returns the magnitude of x.

double norm(Complex& x);
returns the square of the magnitude of x.

double arg(Complex& x);
returns the argument (amplitude) of x.

Complex polar(double r, double t = 0.0);
returns a Complex with abs of r and arg of t.

Complex conj(Complex& x);
returns the complex conjugate of x.

Complex cos(Complex& x);
returns the complex cosine of x.

Complex sin(Complex& x);
returns the complex sine of x.

Complex cosh(Complex& x);
returns the complex hyperbolic cosine of x.

Complex sinh(Complex& x);
returns the complex hyperbolic sine of x.

Complex exp(Complex& x);
returns the exponential of x.

Complex log(Complex& x);
returns the natural log of x.

Complex pow(Complex& x, long p);
returns x raised to the p power.

Complex pow(Complex& x, Complex& p);
returns x raised to the p power.

Complex sqrt(Complex& x);
returns the square root of x.

ostream << x;
prints x in the form (re, im).

istream >> x;
reads x in the form (re, im), or just (re) or re in which case the imaginary part is set to zero.

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