Announcement [SDA KKI 2024] ...

21:32, 19 Januari 2024

Welcome to Auto Grading Server Aren

Dear Students of SDA-2024, Welcome to grading server Aren ( This server has been maintained for more than 17 years for many activities especially for grading student's programming tasks of the courses especially under my lecturing.

You will need an account of this server (besides the ones that you might already had!) by registering yourself through this registration link.

When the accounts have been granted you may log into the server and update your password (the account usually is created with its default password) as well as update the email address if it is not your main email address (since they are taken from SCeLe). The email address will be useful when you are forgetting the password so you can ask for password resetting (see its link under login form). The notification for resetting will be sent to that email address.

In the first lab task (Lab#0) students will be given a simple task that it's objective is for students can be conditioned to be working with this grader. Since the grader is very old, it was developed using combination of php/mysql without any latest fancy platforms. It means, that some features are so awkward but they are mostly still functioning well.

Ok for now and please have fun in learning programming of Data Structures.

-: Suryana Setiawan

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