This is a test for decoding characters' values. Assume a numerical expression is
encoded in English characters by replacing some digit numbers (from 0 to 9) with
English characters. So this kind of numerical expressions can be expressed in new
forms, such as
Please write a program to decode the expressions in characters and output the
numerical value of characters, according to the following rules and assumptions.
- 1.
- All character values are integers between 0 to 9 both inclusive.
- 2.
- An expression is represented as a set of items combined with operators. Only the
operators +, - and = are used in each expression. And at
most 5 items are used in one expression.
- 3.
- There is one and only one operator = in each expression. And only
one item is in the left-hand side of the operator =.
- 4.
- Each item is represented by a combination of capital English characters and digital
numbers. The value of the left-most character in each item is not 0.
- 5.
- The input data are represented as several rows of numerical expressions and are
stored in a file. Each row is an independent expression with other rows. The end of
the input file is a star symbol (*).
- 6.
- Output the value of the left-most item in each expression row by row, in the same
order as that in the input file.
- 7.
- If there are multiple solutions, print out the smallest values for each left-most item.
If no possible solutions exist, print out a question mark (?) instead.
Contains k lines, with k-1 expressions.
Line 1 the first expression
Line k-1 the
Line k A star symbol indicating end-of-file
Contains k - 1 lines. Each line is the smallest value that satisfies the
corresponding expression.
Line 1 value
Line k-1 value
CA = AB + 6C
A = 0
Miguel Revilla