Passwords |
Having several accounts on several servers one has to remember many passwords. You can imagine a situation when someone forgets one of them. He/she remembers only that it consisted of words x, y and z as well as two digits: one at the very beginning and the other one at the end of the password.
Your task is to write a program which will generate all possible password on
the basis of given dictionary and set of rules. For the example given above
the dictionary contains three words: x, y, z, and the rule is given as 0#0
what stands for SPMamp
Input data may contain many sets of dictionaries with rules attached two them.
A number of words in the dictionary is greater than 0 and smaller
or equal to 100 (
). Length of the word is greater than 0 and smaller
than 256. A word may contain characters `A'..`Z',`a'..`z',`0'..`9'.A number
of rules is smaller that 1000, and a rule is shorter that 256 characters.
A character `0' may occur in the rule no more than 9 times, but it has to
occur at least once. The character `#' is not mandatory meaning there can be so such characters in the rule.
2 root 2super 1 #0 1 admin 1 #0#
-- root0 root1 root2 root3 root4 root5 root6 root7 root8 root9 2super0 2super1 2super2 2super3 2super4 2super5 2super6 2super7 2super8 2super9 -- admin0admin admin1admin admin2admin admin3admin admin4admin admin5admin admin6admin admin7admin admin8admin admin9admin