Dr. R. E. Wright's class was studying modified L-Systems. Let us explain necessary details.
As a model let us have words of length n over a two letter alphabet
The words are cyclic,
this means we can write one word in any of n forms we receive by cyclic shift, whereby the first
and the last letters in the word are considered to be neighbours.
Rewriting rules rewrite a letter at a position i, depending on letters at the positions
i - 2, i, i+1.
We rewrite all letters of the word in one step. When we have a given starting word and a set of
rewriting rules a natural question is: how does the word look after s rewriting steps?
Help Dr. R. E. Wright and write a program which solves this task.
There are several blocks in the input file, each describing one system. There is an integer
number n,
2 < n < 16 the length of the input word in the first line. There is a word in the next
line. The word contains only lowercase letters a and b. There are four characters
c1 c2 c3 c4 in the
next eight lines. Each quadruple represents one rewriting rule with the following meaning: when
the letter at the position i - 2 is c1 and the letter at the position i is c2 and the letter at the position
i + 1 is c3 then the letter at the position i after rewriting will be c4. Rewriting rules are correct and
complete. There is an integer number s,
in the last line of the block.
There is one line corresponding to each block of the input file. The line contains a word which
we receive after s rewriting steps from the corresponding starting word using given rewriting rules.
As we mentioned above, the word can be written in any of n cyclic shifted forms. The output file
contains the lexicographically smallest word, assuming that a < b.