DEL command |
It is required to find out whether it is possible to delete given files from MS-DOS directory executing the DEL command of MS-DOS operation system only once. There are no nested subdirectories.
DEL command has the following format: DEL wildcard
The actual wildcard as well as a full file name can be made up either of
a name containing 1 up to 8
characters or of a name and extension, containing up to 3 characters.
The point character ``." separates the extension from the file name.
The extension can be empty and this is equivalent to a
name without any extension (in this case a wildcard ends with a point).
In a wildcard the characters
``?" and ``*" can be used. A question mark substitutes exactly one character
of the full file name
excluding a point, an asterisk any sequence of characters
(containing no points) even empty one.
An asterisk can appear only at the last position of the name and the extension.
MS-DOS system can permit maybe other wildcards but they can not be used
in this task. File names
and extensions consist only of Latin capitals and digits.
DEL ?P*.*