A few seconds after sending the E-Mail with your program, you'll receive a confirmation reply by E-Mail from the judge system (unless you have selected not to receive replies by E-Mail: note that there is enough information in the Web, updated in real time).

       Your program will be compiled and run in our system, and the automatic judge will test it with some inputs and outputs, or perhaps with a specific judge tool. After some seconds or minutes, you'll receive by E-Mail (or you'll see in the Web) one of these answers:

      All E-Mails received and the results of their actions are logged; this would allow us to detect any possible intention to use the judge for incorrect purposes. If you submit several programs for the same problem and you get several accepted messages for it, you'll appear in the ranklist only with your better solution (less CPU time and/or memory spent).

       The solution for problem 100 (the 3n+1 problem) is available as a example (download its source code if you like).
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