We have so many problems, test inputs and outputs that we don't remember from
where we have retrieved many of them. Thanks to their authors!.
In some problems, we know the original Web/ftp site, but we don't publish it
here (trying that most people will not know the input & outputs used for test).
Some of the problems (in special those placed in Volumes II-IV)
hasn't still test inputs and outputs for use in the Online Judge.
If you have test inputs/outputs for any problem still not available for
the Online Judge, please send us the files or contact us!. We'll place them inmediately
in our database. On this way, all people on the Internet will be able to
test their programs.
If you want to develop input & outputs for the problems still without
them, please do it!. We'll also try and place them in our database (please,
do not use trivial examples from the problems description, or similar).
In some problems, more than one solution is correct. So, special judge
programs may replace the test inputs & outputs. These judge programs must read
the output (of the program being judged) from their standard input; they can
also read a set of files named "pxxx.in" and "pxxx.ans" (for xxx problem) in
the current directory, with the test inputs and one of the valid outputs.
After judging, they must end with a exit code (0-Accepted, 1-Presentation
Error, 2-Wrong Answer). If you develop one of these Special Judges, please
send it to us!.
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