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How you can contribute to GNU Pascal

Below you can find a list of jobs which should be done for GNU Pascal. In cases where somebody is already working on it, the name of that person is written behind the job's description together with the status of the project; e-mail addresses are given below.

If there is already a name behind a job, this does not mean that you shouldn't do that but just that you should get in contact with that person if you would like to contribute to that field.

Don't forget to join the GPC mailing list, gpc@hut.fi. To subscribe, write to


Welcome to the GNU Pascal development team!

List of jobs

Overall coordination                    Juki, Peter         works ;-)
Coordination with GCC developers         ?                   ?
Merge into GCC main distribution        JanJaap             planned

ISO 7185 Standard Pascal                Juki                Level 0 works
ISO 10206 Extended Pascal               Juki                90%
Object Pascal                            ?
Borland Pascal 7.0                      Peter               80%
Delphi                                   ?
Pascal-SC                               Peter               please help!
Compiler options to force one standard  Peter               planned

Windows 95/NT version                   JanJaap             works

Documentation                           JanJaap, Peter      existing ;-)

Type checking                           Juki                 ?
Automatic make                          Peter               works
Objects: C++ code compatibility         Peter               planned
Objects: multiple inheritance           Peter               planned
PXSC module syntax                      Peter               planned
Procedure overloading                   Peter               planned
Precompiled module interfaces           Peter               works

Run time system                         Juki                works
I/O error handling                       ?
Turbo compatible DOS, CRT, ...           ?                  ask Peter
Turbo compatible Graph                  Sven                70%
Turbo Vision compatible library          ?
POSIX library (replacement for DOS)     Berend              to be ported
Replacement for (parts of) CRT          Peter               beta (BO5)
Replacement for Graph                   Peter               planned (BO5)
Replacement for Turbo Vision            Peter               planned (BO5)

Adaption of the RHIDE IDE (for DOS)     Robert              beta
Adaption of the XWPE IDE (for UNIX)      ?
Pascal mode for GDB, the GNU Debugger   JanJaap             planned

List of done jobs :-)

EMX version (DOS and OS/2)              Peter               works
DJ version (DOS)                        JanJaap             works
Cross compilers                         JanJaap             works

Installation instructions               JanJaap, Peter      done

List of contributors (in alphabetical order)

Berend              Berend de Boer, Nederlands

JanJaap             Jan-Jaap van der Heijden, Nederlands

Juki                Jukka Virtanen, Finland

Peter               Peter Gerwinski, Germany

Robert              Robert Hoehne, Germany

Sven                Sven Hilscher, Germany

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