GNU Pascal allows the user to define operators according to the Pascal-SC syntax:
(*$X+*) Type Point = record x, y: Real; end (* Point *); Operator + ( a, b: Point ) c: Point; begin (* Point + Point *) c.x:= a.x + b.x; c.y:= a.y + b.y; end (* Point + Point *);
It is necessary to enable "extended syntax" `(*$X+*)' when defining operators.
The Pascal-SC operators `+>', `+<', etc. for exact numerical calculations are not implemented, but you can define them. If you write a module which really implements these operators, please send it to us, so we can include it into the next distribution.
(And if you know more about modules in Pascal-SC than just their existence, please contact us either! We could probably easily implement them if we knew how they look like. Something quite close to Pascal-SC modules already *is* implemented as "GNU specific modules".)